Welcome to Leanna Studios

My Policies and Why I Have Them

What I mean to accomplish with these rules is the best job I can do for any bride or maid. If you procrastinate in calling for your appointment and I am booked up, I will not be able to help you.  If you decide to go against my diet rule and loose more weight so the gown is too big after my altering, you risk my not having time to take it in more.  If you forget your shoes and insist that I do the work on your hem anyway, it may turn out wrong and you will be unhappy about it the whole time you should be carefree and celebrating on your wedding day.

I know some of these rules seem harsh, but they are specifically designed to allow me to do my best work for you.  I also want your trust, so I can do that best job for you.  This means trusting that these rules aren't just made up to inconvenience you.  Any Bridal Specialist worth their snuff will have rules that a bride needs to follow.

  • Rule 1 - All fittings must be done with actual undergarments and shoes

    I can not stress how important it is to have the actual undergarments and shoes you will be wearing for the ceremony for your fittings. It could mean a big difference in the fit of the gown. If you show up for your fitting without the proper undergarments I will refuse to fit you. It's just that important.

    I do keep a selection of bra pads that you may wish to try for your gown if you are thinking of not using a bra. We can discuss this at your first fitting, but if you choose to change your undergarments after I have started working on the gown and I have to make changes because of the fitting differences, I will have to charge you extra to make these changes, so purchase your undergarments before you come to see me. 

    The same goes for shoes. You must have the shoe you are going to wear on the wedding day in order for me to get your hem correct. I will not pin a hem with shoes that are "sort-of like" the shoe you will have or shoes that are "the same heal height". I want to get it right the first time and you do not want to pay me to do it again if you show up with different shoes.

  • Rule 2 - Bridal fittings start no sooner than 12 weeks before the wedding date, and no later than 4 weeks

    I have found that 12 to 8 weeks is a good, comfortable time to start fitting a gown, both for the bride and me. With the need for 3 to 4 fittings, scheduling this way is convenient. It gives me 2 weeks in between fittings to do the necessary work. Which is another value of mine - non-pressured sewing time.

    This leads to the reason for the limits. In truth, a wedding gown can be fitted and altered in a day or 2, but it is a risky thing to do. The pressure to get this done fast is just not worth it. I have been up sewing on dresses at 3 AM the morning of a wedding before, and the risk of making mistakes is just so very great that I think it a great disservice to any bride to plan something like that. Though I have never made a mistake in these cases, I am still human and do not wish for my record to get broken. I have seen others make heartbreaking mistakes and know several horror stories. I do not want any of these to happen to any of MY brides. 

    Now that said, there is often a situation where the bridal company has messed up and the dresses are delivered at the last minute even with the best efforts of both bride and salon. In this situation things can be done, but avoiding this is always best. A bride should be calling alterations specialists as soon as she orders her gown to get on her schedule. We book up very fast during wedding seasons and I often say no to brides calling me with less notice than I need.

  • Rule 3 - Out-of-town brides

    If the brides lives farther that 2 hours away from me it presents a difficulty for her to see me the 3 to 4 times necessary for most bridal alterations. I often take out-of-town brides but only if they can agree to make the trips necessary within the 12 weeks to get the job done well. It's often becomes difficult with all the other things there are to do to prepare for a wedding. 

    Depending on the situation, I can be flexible for out-of-town brides, but they have to understand a few things. I need to have the bodice fitted well first. The bodice determines how the rest of the dress drapes so it has to be right before the hem and bustle can be done. When the timeframe is extended past the 8 week mark, the odds of a bride gaining or loosing weight increases. If I go on to work on the hem and this happens so that the bodice needs to be re-altered, I will have to charge for the re-working. 

    Often brides assure me that their weight is stable and this can work. But many a bride has found herself gaining or loosing weight unexpectedly because the stresses of planning a wedding can effect you in ways that normal life doesn't. 

    If an out-of-town bride still wishes to use my services she must comply with my rules for fitting appointments and be willing to travel as many times as I say she needs to for me to do the work the dress requires. 

  • Rule 4 - Pregnant brides and maids will be scheduled for their first fitting 2 weeks before the wedding date

    This is the one exception to rule #2. I must still have about 2 month's notice for this work, but I will not see a lady sooner than 2 weeks before the wedding date. I need to block out the time I will need for doing this work and I must be able to do that 2 month's before the wedding. I do not accept work when a lady calls me 2 weeks before the wedding saying she knew she had to wait to see me until then. I will be booked with too many other dresses to have the time to see you. I do not "fit people in". That would put more work than I know I can handle and may cause accidents which I refuse to allow. 

  • Rule 5 - If a bride has been dieting, the loosing of weight must stop when fittings start

    This policy is necessary to get a good fit and to protect the gown from unnecessary extra alterations that might weaken it's structure. If a bride continues to loose weight and the gown has to be redone to fit her smaller body, than she risks harming the gown and running out of time before the wedding to get the extra alterations finished. Not to mention frazzling the nerves of the seamstress which I doubt any bride really wants to do. I therefore ask that any bride change her diet from loosing weight to a maintenance schedule once fittings have started. 

    This can be VERY difficult for a bride to do when I start fittings at the 12 week mark.  If ny schedule allows, I am cool waiting for the 4 week mark BUT the bride must be able to schedule all her fittings in that timeframe and loose no more weight in that 4 weeks.  This is also VERY hard for she has thousands of other things to tend to. 

  • Rule 6 - I do not require a deposit

    I figure that if you can trust me with your very precious garment, I can trust you to make payment in full at the last fitting.

  • Rule 7 - Guests at fittings

    Many brides wish to have someone accompany them to their fittings. It is often the mother, but it can also be a sister, best friend and sometimes the father. These people are welcome as long as there aren't more than 3 at a time in the fitting area. 

    Sometimes the bride has children that need to be with her. This is OK as long as the bride understands that I can not let her hold a child while I am fitting her. I can not fit the gown correctly while she is holding a child. Even the calmest child will cause the bride's posture to be abnormal if the bride is holding them. This is expressly important for pinning the hem.

    My Studio is not child safe. Babies and toddlers must be secured by a pumpkin seat or held by another guest for their own safety. There are many sharp and dangerous items in my studio and neither I nor the bride can pay due attention to a small child while we are fitting the gown. Older children are welcome as long as the bride understands that her child must be disciplined enough to not be running around the studio and possibly getting hurt on any of the sharp items I have sitting around in clear sight. 

  • Rule 8 - Final Gown Pick-up

    It is often very inconvenient for a bride, busy with a hundred things to do the day before her big day, to be able to pick-up her finished gown right before the wedding. I encourage brides to make this a priority for my own special reasons that the bride will understand if she can make this happen. Most brides find it no problem. For those who do, I understand and will release the dress to a trusted family member or friend that has been specially designated by the bride. 

    For fittings and final gown pick-up I allow almost anyone accompanying the bride except the groom. 

    It has been rare that I have been asked to allow a groom in fittings or to collect the gown, but I have very important reasons to discourage this. Many modern grooms, and even brides, do not find the old traditions about the groom seeing the gown or the bride before the ceremony a risk of bad luck. I do not either, but if you have not been a groom you also have no reason to understand the importance of this old tradition. I have noticed in my 40 years of working with brides and attending their weddings that there is a very precious thing about the experience of a groom seeing his bride in her gown for the first time. Whether it is her appearing at the back of the church with her daddy at her side to make that important stroll down the isle, or at her parent's home or some beautiful park for the taking of pictures before the ride to the church doesn't seen to matter. It is the fact that the groom's first view of his bride on the wedding day is in the gown that makes it special. It is a very precious memory that will stay with a groom for a lifetime.

    However you have planned your wedding day to run and the many special moments that you will remember through the years, I would encourage you that this is a very special consideration you can make for your groom. 

  • Rule 9 - Like most bridal alteration specialists, I do not cut any fabric from the dress until the bride has tried the gown on with the adjustment made to approve of the fit

    It is often difficult to make adjustments without cutting fabric but it is so very important to avoid mistakes. Insisting on 3 to 4 fittings to accomplish this for a bride is also inconvenient, but when you realize that there really is nothing more important to the wedding plans than the gown, than making the scheduling possible is easier. I have found that if the bride knows that her gown is being altered with care, all the other considerations in the wedding plans just seem to go easier because she has no reason to fret about her precious gown. 

  • Rule 10 - Brides Maids will be scheduled for fittings 4 weeks before the wedding and not more than 2 Maids at any one fitting appointment

    Though brides maids do not have the same fitting needs as brides, they must still be treated with care. Four weeks is usually a good time frame unless there are extenuating circumstances, like pregnancy. 

    It is very important to schedule no more than 2 maids for any one fitting appointment so I can give them the attention they need. Brides often want to have all the maids fitted at one appointment so they can be all the same, but this creates a big messy situation and no one can get the individual attention they need. The last time I did this for a bride I ended up dealing with close to 20 people in my little studio that included 6 maids, the young flower girl, her baby sister, the groom, the bride, the mother-of-the-bride, and a few other friends/family members interested in the process and waiting for it to be over so they could go eat. It was a huge mess and I felt like I simply could not give my normal level of personal attention each girl deserved. And the maids that got fitted at the end of the session had been standing around waiting for 2 hours for their turn. I just don't think that's a kind thing to plan to have happen to your friends/family members you have asked to participate in your wedding.

    Dealing with the varied body types in a wedding party is hard enough without creating this type of situation. So, I no longer do fittings this way. 

  • Rule 11 - Out-of-town Maids need to find an alterationist in the town where they live

    Another thing Brides do because they want all the maids to fit alike is to use the same alterationist for all the maid's needs. This is good if all the maids live in the same town and can get their bodies to the alterationist for fittings in a timely manor before the wedding. Many times this is not possibly and the out-of-town maids are having their fittings the day before the wedding. I have done alterations this way but I do not recommend it. It is very stressful on me, the bride and the maid. It is so much better to get a skilled alterationist in the town where the maid lives so they can have non-stressful fittings. 

    As with out-of-town brides, if an out-of-town maid still wishes to use my services she must comply with my rules for fitting appointments and be willing to travel as many times as I say she needs to for me to do the work the dress requires. Normally this is only two fittings but for some situations I need to see maids up to 4 times. 

  • Rule 12 - Exceptions to Any Rule

    If you've worked in the bridal industry for any length of time you learn that stuff just happens. We are only human and mistakes can be made. Orders don't come in when promised. Fabrics don't cooperate with the planned alteration. People miss appointments. Measurements taken don't match the dress that comes in 2 weeks before the wedding with no time to reorder. Ladies get pregnant unexpectedly. Family members don't agree on everything. The Middle East has a crisis or a global Pandemic surprises everyone.

    Perfection is not always attainable under these circumstances, but high quality can still rule the day if all parties can retain a flexible mind set. In the 40 plus years I have been working with brides there have been many crazy situations, but anything can be overcome and fixed if everyone can just take a moment to calm themselves and discover alternatives to the situation instead of dwelling on what can't be done or what they wish had been done. 

Our Visitors ask Questions

  • Bridal Business Policies

    added April 2010


    I’ve just discovered your website and have spent many hours the past few days soaking up your knowledge. If you would like to send my email to Rebecca in Utah, I would be happy to open a discussion with her on adding sleeves to strapless dresses. Personally, my policy is: “If you buy a dress on sale that doesn’t meet temple standards, don’t expect me to bail you out.” And, yes, that makes me unpopular, but I’ve yet to see a strapless dress altered so it looked like it was meant to be that way.

    Again, the website is great. Thanks for bringing helping us feel like we’re not alone.


    Hi Laurie,

    You sound a lot like me. I happen to love the strapless style and when constructed right it can fit any body type. Unfortunately, brides often choose this style for the wrong reasons. Some have told me it was the only choice. I know this to be not true. It is a lazy bride who buys a strapless gown for this reason. I know of many alternative choices. What I think is more likely is that some slick sales person convinced the bride that the dress can be altered to make the sale. That leaves it up to us to fix it as best we can. 

    I hope my site can help some of these situations, either by educating brides or alteration specialists. I so believe that we can help each other. Thanks for writing and letting me know someone gets it!


  • Protecting the Product

    Dear Leanna,

    My wife and I are Americans who recently opened a bridal store in Odessa, Ukraine. Odessa is a large city with approximately 1.2 million official residents but the population is really closer to 2 million. Our shop has officially been open for five days now and we've seen quite a few visitors. There have also been a number of girls who have tried on quite a few wedding gowns. They seem to have liked the dresses but they also admitted wanting to continue searching around at different stores, which is certainly understandable given the fact that there are over 50 bridal shops in Odessa. The problem, as you well know, is that when girls try the dresses on, the gowns eventually start showing wear and tear. And, since we have absolutley no experience in this area, we're not sure how likely these girls are to return and become clients. We certainly don't want to sacrifice the quality of the gowns for girls who have little intention of returning. At the same time, however, we're not overly excited about the prospect of turning customers away. 

    So what we've temporarily decided to do is tell the ladies that they're more than welcome to try the wedding gowns on, but only after making appointments in advance. This seems to be the general practice for some of the more elite salons here, but we're not sure if this is the best course of action from a business perspective. I know that you're probably not a business consultant but you probably understand the way these ladies think much better than we do. So, due to your wealth of experience in this field, I just wanted to consult with you first. Do you have any advice on how we conduct ourselves in this particular area? We'd certainly be more than very grateful for any thoughts you'd be willing to share with us!

    Respectfully, John

    Hi John,

    How neat of you to write. My father's family is from the Ukraine. I hope to some day visit your Country!

    What you are asking is common to all wedding salons all over the world I would think. I really don't know about brides in Europe, but here they want to shop. Asking for them to make appointments I think would not be a great move buyt is has become an acceptd practice here in teh states. My best friend has been visiting bridal stores with her daughter and they have just told me that they decided to buy a dress from a certain store because of their selection of gowns to try on. My friend's daughter is a robust size 20ish and most stores have only 12 or 14's to try on. She was very turned off by the attitude of the sales people in these stores. Many brides understand that you try on a gown and then imagine it in your size and get measured for ordering, but my friend just could not visualize the gown she was liking 3 or 4 sizes larger than the trial gowns. When she found a store that had larger sizes for trial she was overjoyed and ended up ordering her gown there even though the price was a little more. 

    It's a big risk having gowns for trial. They can be harmed in so many ways. A way to protect the gowns is to have an attendant assisting each bride with her fitting. This gives a great service boost to the ambiance of your shop and makes the bride feel special. Be careful that these attendants don't power sell the brides. Let them give honest advice and opinions. The brides can tell when a sales person is being less than honest when she says they look beautiful in everything they put on. 

    Have a way to let brides try on gowns alone too for some will not like a stranger in their dressing room. Has a sales lady near by to check on her often, but don't be obnoxious. The attendant or the hovering sales person needs to inspect the gown carefully after each try-on and while the bride is still there in case any harm was done. This can be done while the gown is being hung back on the hanger so it doesn't look obvious. 

    Before letting a bride try on gowns get her information. Name, address from her driver's license (don't let her just tell you), and phone number. This is to protect you in case she does hurt a gown and you find her difficult to deal with. Brides don't generally mind this. 

    Keep in mind that many a bride is using you to only see the gown they fully intend to buy off the Internet at a reduced price. She will not care about how she treats your property. Protecting your gowns in important but you can do it discreetly. 

    I hope this helps,


  • Striking Out on Your Own

    Loved your site. Thank you!

    I work for a "chain" and find myself at odds with their policies many times. They do not recognize the craft. Each bride is special and I hate conforming to their cookie cutter alterations. They will not touch bust seams!!! I do them all the time.

    I admire your bravery in striking out on your own. I am so afraid!!

    I found your site because a few brides found me recently - and asked me to do their gowns. I am becoming a little known for my creative bustles. I was looking at prices and needed a starting base. 

    I wish I had the bravery to strike out on my own - I am so afraid the customers will not be steady! I also feel I have much to learn! I am picking up techniques all the time! I have been sewing for about 30 years. 

    Are you open to discussion and helping me? I live far enough away to not give you any competition - but I can certainly refer to you!!! My daughter lives in Cincinnati!! I live in Pittsburgh, PA.

    Thank you again for your site.


    I can give general answers with email, but it's really hard to help people solve specific questions without being able to see the body in the garment that is in question. I should think with 30 years of experience you have what it takes to do this. It's scary at first, but as long as you can stay open minded and let yourself continue learning, you can do well. I learn something new almost every week. The bridal gown manufacturers never stop changing things so you have to keep up with them. The way you did something last season may no longer work this season because the construction methods have changed. It can be frustrating too, but I love puzzles, so I just look at each new situation as a puzzle and go about solving it. It often takes a lot of time, but if you can have patience with yourself and let your creativity guide you, it can be very rewarding.


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